Woodridge Warriors
10U, 11U & 12U
Part-Time Travel Teams
For the Spring/Summer 2025 Season
11U Warriors
For our in-house players looking to play a few more games at a more competitive level we offer our Warriors Tournament Team Program. Our Tournament Teams, sometimes referred to as "In-House All Star Teams" or "Part-Time Travel Teams", consist of elite in-house players that are looking to join a second, more intense and competitive team. Tournament Team Members, both players and coaches, are expected to put forth considerable time, effort and commitment beyond that for a typical regular season team. Players must also be enrolled in the regular WAA in-house season.
Please complete the below form and bring it with you to your first tryout session
Tryout Registration Form
Times/Dates Subject to Change, so please check our website regularly.
Players Are Strongly Encouraged To Attend Multiple Tryout Sessions
Can't Make a Tryout? Please contact the Manager directly for possible alternative options
Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to Check-In & Warm-Up
Directions to Fields: Orchard Fields, Hobson 2, 63rd St. Field, Janes 1 SW Field & Janes 2 NE Field
Visit Our Website For Additional Information: www.WoodridgeBaseball.org
Questions? Checkout our FAQ's
Rain-Outs: If a Tryout Session gets Rained-Out, Please Check
the website later that day for any possible reschedules
Tryout Registration:
Please complete the below form and bring it with you to your first tryout session
Tryout Registration Form